OPS Policy regarding Corona virus

OPS Policy regarding Covid-19

OPS Solutions continues to follow relevant authorities, trade unions and other stakeholders to minimize the impact of COVID-19 on our business. Our focus is to operate only when we can keep our employees safe and healthy, while we preserve jobs in this critical time.

We want to restrict as much contact as possible between the employees and the guests who arrive at our company. All meeting activities that need to be done must be carried out via teams, otherwise all meetings with outsiders must take place in the meeting room on the 2nd floor with a minimum distance of 1 meter. All guests must fill out the sign-up lists located on the 1st floor of the administration and in the workshop of Composite department.

For our employees

Information is sent regularly to all employees directly to their email with updates and any changes of the requirements. It is therefore important that incoming information is checked continuously.

For employees who are a lot outside and inside between workshop and customers - You should avoid close dialogue and keep a minimum distance of 2m.

Are you mostly outside – Then you limit the contact with the administration and the workshop inside. Use telephone or teams if a chat is needed. Avoid dining rooms and visits to offices. (Also applies to the offices in the workshop).

Are you mostly inside- Then it is the opposite. When you visit customers, meet people outdoors and avoid meetings inside small and narrow rooms.

The dining room should be used only by the employees in the workshop/warehouse, and here you should maintain a distance. Visits of delivery drivers, suppliers, guests etc. shall take place outside. This means that most of the dialogue goes via email, teams or telephone. Office employees shall not go down to the workshop/warehouse, and those who work in the workshop/warehouse shall not go up to the office building so far as possible.

Follow the authorities' and the customer's requirements to avoid infection, but always be observant of the situation you are in.

Although many work areas outside at customers are small, make sure that you keep a good distance of at least 1-2m and maintain good hand hygiene. Feel free to divide the lunch if it is not possible to keep the distance, or eat in the car (only 1 person in each car).

If there is no visit registration at the customer, make sure that you have an overview of where you have been and who you have had close contact with, in the last few days (minimum the last 48 hours) in order to make any infection tracking easier.

Good hand hygiene with soap and water, or alcohol/antibac as often as possible. Use dispensers and bottles placed in strategic places.


  • Avoid touching your face or eyes.
  • Cough or sneeze into a paper handkerchief or your elbow if you do not have paper available.
  • Keep a distance of at least 1m and do not shake hands, hug or touch other people.

To our partners and suppliers,

OPS Solutions takes the authorities' requirements seriously and therefore expects our partners and suppliers to do the same. OPS Solutions wants our suppliers and partners to contribute to our safe and efficient operation and we have the following expectations:

With reference to Covid-19, we will share the following information:

Where OPS Solutions is the main company, suppliers must follow OPS policy:

If you have traveled from a high-risk area/red country:

• In that case, the authorities' entry measures with a 10-day quarantine will be implemented.

If you have had close contact with a confirmed or suspected Covid-19 patient:

- No offshore travel within 10 days after you left the high-risk area.

- If you are in close contact with a person with probable Covid-19 (person in quarantine due to travel abroad or close contact, who has symptoms) you should not travel offshore until a response of the test is available.

- If symptoms (cough, fever, shortness of breath) do not travel to the sea within 21 days after the last contact with a symptomatic patient and consult a doctor.

Additional requirements for offshore travel in Norway

Personnel coming from abroad must be quarantined for 10 days before traveling to the Norwegian continental shelf. No offshore travel within 10 days after leaving the high risk area.

Travelers for OPS Solutions must wear face masks on all heliports. Bring a face mask for your own use.

Outside of Norway

Follow current national and/or local guidelines.

Where OPS Solutions is not the main company, suppliers are expected to at least follow guidelines from the WHO and/or relevant national health authorities, and follow the parent company's guidelines.

Make sure that you follow updates regarding OPS policy and follow the instructions and information from the Norwegian health authorities here: www.fhi.no and www.helsenorge.no.

General advice:

  • People who are sick with cold symptoms or flu symptoms are asked to stay at home.
  • Use medical face masks where required and make sure they are used correctly.
  • Avoid touching your face.
  • Observe physical distance and keep 1 to 2 meters distance.
  • Wash your hands regularly for at least 30 seconds with soap and water or use alcohol-based hand disinfectant solutions.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a paper or flexed elbow when sneezing or coughing.
  • Limit direct contact with surfaces and people.
  • Follow general hygiene advice if you travel by plane.
  • Be kind to each other and pay attention and this will turn out well in the end.